Social Contributions

JUPITER and Ksenija Renko have been working in cooperation with various non-profit organizations that exert great influence on social environment, particularly with regard to issues affecting the judiciary and communications.

Central and Eastern European Law Initiative in Prague (CELLI)

The CEELI Institute is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the development and training of an international network of legal and judicial professionals committed to advancing the rule of law. Through innovative training programs and other activities, the Institute works with judges, lawyers and civil society actors to build laws-based societies. The CEELI Institute prides itself on the diversity and quality of the programs it has developed, the peer to peer exchanges it fosters, the innovative nature of its programming, and its legacy of contributing to the advancement of the rule of law in vulnerable countries. The CEELI Institute efforts are focused on creating independent, transparent, and effective judiciaries, strengthening democratic institutions, fostering efforts to combat corruption, bridging difficult conflicts, promoting human rights, and supporting lawyers and civil society actors in repressive environments.

Global Judicial Integrity Network UNDOC

The Judicial Integrity initiative aims to assist judiciaries across the globe in strengthening judicial integrity and preventing corruption in the justice sector, in line with Article 11 of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. For that purpose, the initiative has facilitated the creation of the Global Judicial Integrity Network. Boosting judicial integrity is an integral part of the Doha Declaration Global Programme. UNODC has been providing assistance to Member States in strengthening judicial integrity, accountability and professionalism since 2000, by supporting the development of the Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct and producing various tools to help judiciaries to that effect.

PROven in ACTIon and Venture PROACTIVE

PROACTIVE Club – PROven in ACTIon and Venture – gathers eminent communication experts and experienced public relations professionals committed to strengthening and promoting the PR profession in the countries of Southeast Europe. The goal and mission of PROACTIVE Club is to raise professional and ethical standards in public relations and to position the PR profession at the highest levels of the management structure in companies, institutions and organizations. PROACTIVE Club is dedicated to developing and implementing innovative communication projects, following economic trends and sustainable development of modern society.

BAPRA Bright Awards

BAPRA Bright Awardswas established in 2010 and was quickly recognized as a forum where Bulgarian PR professionals are able to compare their achievements with the best PR practices worldwide. BAPRA Bright Awards is the first PR contest in Bulgaria where the evaluation is conducted by foreign jury members. The jury members are recognized communication experts with many years’ experience in the field. Each year the international judging committee evaluates the most successful PR campaigns in Bulgaria. All of its members are internationally recognized and outstanding PR and communication experts. Every jury member evaluates the submitted entries in each category absolutely confidentially and independently.

JUPITER is an agency for Strategic Communications and Communication Management

JUPITER is a member of EURACSIS, a European network of professional conference organizers and communication agencies across the European Union